Simon & Dagmar Pollit

Elijah House, Austria

Simon and  Dagmar Pollit are co-founders and co-leaders of Elijah House Austria,  which is part of an international network – the Elijah House Global Community. Together they  have over 25 years of ministry experience in areas such as inner healing, transformation and reconciliation, serving individuals, families, communities and beyond. They are also mentors to pastors,  leaders and others in Christian ministry. We are excited about the following topics: Who am I? (Knowing your heart and finding your identity); Has my nurture formed my nature? (How I have chosen certain ways of living and what bitter roots and lies have shaped me); Successful servant leadership (Letting go of your idols); Living from your heart (What it costs and why we avoid it); Out of a heart at rest – into the ministry with the Lord (Slowing down in an accelerating world). We look forward to learning from their experience and wisdom!

Wayne & René Neuper

Dresden, Germany

Wayne and René were born in South Africa, where they also planted and led a church for a number of years. In 1999, they came to Germany. Here they took over the leadership of Jesus Gemeinde Dresden, which they still lead today. In 2015, Wayne and René sensed that the Lord was up to something new and very specific: the establishment of a network. After thinking it over and discussing it with the team, they decided to go this route. Thus, in July 2018, the Activate Network was founded, led by them. They travel extensively to strengthen and support the churches they are connected to.

Ant & Helen Rist

St. Albans, England

Ant and Helen Rist run the Forest Town Church in St. Albans in England. In 2000 they moved from South Africa, where they had served in a leadership team for many years, to the UK to plant the church there. Since then their joy has been to build the church in St Albans. Ant loves to preach and teach, while Helen works as co-ordinator of the church´s ministries, serving with her administrative skills, prophetic gift and in preaching. Ant and Helen are part of the Activate Translocal Team and we really appreciate them. We are sure to be enriched by their topics “Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership” and “Prophecy”!

Ferdinand Gerstetter

Dresden, Germany

Ferdinand Gerstetter is a psychologist and psychotherapist and works at the University Hospital in Dresden. In his church (Jesus Gemeinde Dresden) he has led several areas, including a programme for missionary work abroad. In addition, he has a soft spot for magic tricks. Ferdinand is married to Stephanie and they have a son, Elia. We can’t wait to hear what Ferdi has to say about his themes, “Chasing the Good Goal” and “Connected in heart”!

Our workshop speakers are also…

Check out the Spotify playlist below to get in the mood for the sing-a-long!

Register now!

Registration for the full conference including meals is possible until 29 September, excluding meals – until 5 October. A day ticket will also be available for purchase at the reception desk during the conference.